視頻中,配上氣勢恢宏的音樂和劇中的場景,再加上演員出色的台詞功底和近乎完美的英文發音,使得這段【出師表】有着【權力的遊戲】般壯麗的史詩感…… 一個好演員的厲害之處就在於,即便不懂英文的人,都能深受其感染。 最近,電視劇【大軍師司馬懿之虎嘯龍吟】正在熱播,這段英文的朗誦者正是劇中諸葛亮的扮演者王洛勇。 雖然之前有唐國強塑造的諸葛亮深入人心,但王洛勇版的諸葛亮還是圈了不少粉。他的完美英文也讓不少觀眾好奇:新版諸葛亮還能有這種操作?! 還真能。實際上,王洛勇90年代就登台百老匯了。但他並非從一開始就擅長英語。
幾經嘗試,他終於圓了自己的百老匯夢。 1995年,他登上百老匯舞台,出演了【西貢小姐】。並憑此獲得了美國福克斯演員獎最佳男演員獎,獲得了【紐約時報】的肯定。
經過百老匯的錘鍊,也難怪他的英語能夠說得那麼純正,那麼有舞台感了。 除了演員的功底要好,【出師表】的英譯也對表達效果非常關鍵。讓我們來欣賞這一版譯文: ▌【出師表】節選 臣亮言:先帝創業未半而中道崩殂,今天下三分,益州疲弊,此誠危急存亡之秋也。 Permit me to observe: the late emperor was taken from us before he could finish his life's work, the restoration of the Han.Today, the empire is still divided in three, and our very survival is threatened. 然侍衛之臣不懈於內,忠志之士忘身於外者,蓋追先帝之殊遇,欲報之於陛下也。 Yet still the officials at court and the soldiers throughout the realm remain loyal to you, your majesty.Because they remember the late emperor, all of them, and they wish to repay his kindness in service to you. 誠宜開張聖聽,以光先帝遺德,恢弘志士之氣,不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失義,以塞忠諫之路也。 This is the moment to extend your divine influence, to honor the memory of the late Emperor and strengthen the morale of your officers.It is not the time to listen to bad advice, or close your ears to the suggestions of loyal men. …… 親賢臣,遠小人,此先漢所以興隆也;親小人,遠賢臣,此後漢所以傾頹也。 The emperors of the Western Han chose their courtiers wisely, and their dynasty flourished.The emperors of the Eastern Han chose poorly, and they doomed the empire to ruin. 先帝在時,每與臣論此事,未嘗不嘆息痛恨於桓、靈也。 Whenever the late Emperor discussed this problem with me, he lamented the failings of Emperors Huan and Ling. …… 臣本布衣,躬耕於南陽,苟全性命於亂世,不求聞達於諸侯。 I began as a common man, farming in my fields in Nanyang, doing what I could to survive in an age of chaos.I never had any interest in making a name for myself as a noble. 先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顧臣於草廬之中,咨臣以當世之事,由是感激,遂許先帝以驅馳。 The late Emperor was not ashamed to visit my cottage and seek my advice.Grateful for his regard, I responded to his appeal and threw myself into his service. …… 先帝知臣謹慎,故臨崩寄臣以大事也。 The late Emperor always appreciated my caution and, in his final days, entrusted me with his cause. 受命以來,夙夜憂嘆,恐託付不效,以傷先帝之明,故五月渡瀘,深入不毛。 Since that moment, I have been tormented day and night by the fear that I might let him down.That is why I crossed the Lu river at the height of summer, and entered the wastelands beyond. 今南方已定,兵甲已足,當獎率三軍,北定中原,庶竭駑鈍,攘除奸凶,興復漢室,還於舊都。 Now the south has been subdued, and our forces are fully armed.I should lead our soldiers to conquer the northern heartland and attempt to remove the hateful traitors, restore the house of Han, and return it to the former capital. 此臣所以報先帝而忠陛下之職分也。 This is the way I mean to honor my debt to the late Emperor and fulfill my duty to you. …… 願陛下托臣以討賊興復之效,不效,則治臣之罪,以告先帝之靈。 My only desire is to be permitted to drive out the traitors and restore the Han.If I should let you down, punish my offense and report it to the spirit of the late Emperor. …… 陛下亦宜自謀,以咨諏善道,察納雅言。深追先帝遺詔,臣不勝受恩感激。今當遠離,臨表涕零,不知所言。 Your Majesty, consider your course of action carefully.Seek out good advice, and never forget the late words of the late Emperor.I depart now on a long expedition, and I will be forever grateful if you heed my advice.Blinded by my own tears, I know not what I write. ▌三國經典名句英譯 【三國演義】作為四大名著之一,以其史詩般的敘事、扣人心弦的陰謀權術和盪氣迴腸的英雄氣概,歷經數百年依舊散發着巨大魅力。 這部小說也催生了無數膾炙人口的成語和名句,我們今天就再次回顧一下這些經典語句,重溫那段波瀾壯闊的歷史。 英文來源C. H. Brewitt-Taylor的譯本,Romance of Three Kingdoms。 不求同年同月同日生,只願同年同月同日死。 We ask not the same day of birth, but we seek to die together. 子治世之能臣,亂世之奸雄也。 In peace you are an able subject; in chaos you area crafty hero. 順我者生,逆我者死。 There is life for those who are with me, death for those against. 兄弟如手足,妻子如衣服。 Brothers are as hands and feet; wives and children are as clothing. 衣服破,尚可縫;手足斷,安可續? You may mend your torn dress, but who can reattach a lost limb? 欲破曹公, 宜用火攻; 萬事俱備, 只欠東風。 To defeat Cao Cao You have to use fire; All are in your wish, But wind from the east. 寧教我負天下人,休教天下人負我。 I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me. 箭在弦上,不得不發耳。 When the arrow is on the string, it must fly. 既生瑜,何生亮。O God, since thou made Zhou Yu, why did thou also create Zhuge Liang? 伏龍、鳳雛,兩人得一,可安天下。 If you could find either Sleeping−Dragon or Blooming−Phoenix, you could restore order in the empire. 亮借一帆風,直至江東,憑三寸不爛之舌,說南北兩軍互相吞併。 I shall borrow a little boat and make a little trip over the river andtrust tomy little lithe tongueto set north and south at each other's throats. 良禽擇木而棲,賢臣擇主而事。 The clever bird chooses the branch whereon to perch; the wise servant selects the master to serve. 燕雀安知鴻鵠志哉? How can swallows and sparrows understand the flight of the crane and the wild goose? 割雞焉用牛刀? An ox-cleaver to kill a chicken! 吾斬眾諸侯首級,如探囊取物耳! I will cut off their headsas easily as I would take a thing out of my pocket. 內事不決問張昭,外事不決問周瑜。 Should he have doubts upon internal affairs, he must turn to Zhang Zhao; for outer matters he must consult Zhou Yu. 今天下英雄,惟使君與操耳! The only heroes in the world are you and I. 吾觀顏良,如插標賣首耳! His head looks as though it was stuck on a pole for sale. 人中呂布,馬中赤兔。 Indeed Lv Bu was the man among humans, as Red-Hare was the horse among horses. 豎子不足與謀 Those unworthy ones cannot discuss worthy thing. 謀事在人,成事在天。不可強也! Human proposes; God disposes. We cannot wrest events to our will. 天下之人,願食汝肉! The inhabitants of this country would devour you! 皓首匹夫!蒼髯老賊!汝即日將歸於九泉之下,何面目見二十四帝乎! You fool and rebel! Mark you, today is your last day; this day even you descend to the Nine Golden Springs. How will you stand before the two scores and four emperors of Latter Han that you will meet there? 鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已。 To achieve this end, I would use the last remnant of my strength and could die content. 精彩的三國英譯就為你放送到這裡啦,最後送上一首盪氣迴腸的【臨江仙·滾滾長江東逝水】,譯文來自 滾滾長江東逝水,浪花淘盡英雄。 Waves upon waves the Yangtze River rushes on its eastbound way, Its white crests wash away all the heroes, valiant and brave. 是非成敗轉頭空。 Right or wrong, triumph or defeat, all is forgotten in the blink of an eye. 青山依舊在,幾度夕陽紅。 What remains only are the hills, so green And the glow of the sunset, so red. 白髮漁樵江渚上,慣看秋月春風。 To the river banks come the white-haired fisherman and woodsman, Enough have they seen of spring wind and autumn moon. 一壺濁酒喜相逢。 Over a jar of wine, they rejoice at their happy meeting. 古今多少事,都付笑談中。 Alas, so many great events of past and present, Serve but as food for their talk and laughter. 你最喜歡哪些三國人物,又有哪些經典片段讓你難以忘懷呢?歡迎留言! 總監製:吳亮 監製:夏宇 責編:戴麗麗 李逸博 編務:李浩然 本文轉載自微信公眾號『中國日報雙語新聞』(ID:Chinadaily_Mobile),不代表瞭望智庫觀點。 |