Tsze-Ch’an made the central citie s and border lands of the State be exactly defined,and enjoined on the high and inferior officers to w ear[o n ly]th e ir d istin ctiv e ro b e s.T h e fie ld s w ere all m arked out by their banks and ditches.The houses and tsing(井) were divided in to fives,responsible for one another.英译是根据杜预的诠释,文字非常清楚明白,在国际上影响很大。但杨伯峻《春秋左传注》充分汲取《左传》权威、伯父杨树达的淹博精深,往往能做出比较正确的注释。他特别指出“都鄙有章”不过是都邑和鄙野应保持传统的区别,并不意味这两种不同地区都需要精确丈量后划定(exactlydefined)。“上下有服”的“服”不是指服装,而是指职守。